How Rolling Tarps Make Life Easier For Long-Haul Truckers

For truckers who constantly deal with flatbed loads, tarps are a necessary evil—necessary for protecting loads against the elements and keeping them intact and secure, but an evil due to the amount of time and effort needed to actually tarp a load. Even the most energetic trucker can have a hard time tarping a load quickly.

That's where rolling tarp systems come into play. These systems offer a much easier way for truckers to secure and protect their loads without all of the hassle and stress that comes with manual tarping. There are plenty of ways that a rolling tarp system makes tackling flatbed loads much easier for the average trucker.

1. No More Need for Climbing

Clambering over loads while dragging around a heavy, unwieldy tarp isn't exactly what drivers anticipate when taking on a flatbed load. However, that's exactly what manual tarping often entails. Needless to say, throwing on a tarp and cranking it down with the requisite straps and chains can give the average trucker a good workout. For drivers who aren't as fit or coordinated, manual tarping can be a nightmare.

Rolling tarp systems take the human struggle with heavy tarps out of the equation altogether. Instead of handling several heavy tarps when covering loads, a single person can simply slide the rolling tarp back and forth to cover or uncover the load deck. Not only does this make it much easier for truckers to cover loads, but it also eliminates the need for climbing.

2. Faster Turnaround Times

Time is always of the essence for the average trucker, and most truckers prefer to spend their time on the open road instead of wasting time on unwieldy tarps. But it's not just the drivers who are held up by the need for manual tarping. Depots and warehouses can also lose precious time on tarping loads, leaving less time for other critical duties.

Whereas it could take upwards of an hour to properly tarp a typical flatbed load, rolling tarp systems are designed to deploy in just minutes. Locking the rolling tarp in place afterward also takes significantly less time than strapping down or chaining down a tarped load. Rolling tarp systems allow drivers to get back on the road sooner while allowing depots and warehouses to ship and receive loads faster.

3. Fewer Demands on Older Drivers

Experienced talent can be hard to come by in the trucking world, but it's even harder to retain that talent as it ages. Age can affect what the average trucker is capable of handling on his or her own, making tasks that were relatively effortless to do in their 30s and 40s significantly harder in their 50s and 60s. It's not uncommon for highly skilled truckers to retire due to simply being unable to handle certain physical tasks. Sadly, manually tarping loads is one of those physical tasks.

Investing in a rolling tarp system can help retain older driver talent while making things easier for other, younger drivers.

4. Reduced Risk of Injury

The one thing truckers dread most is being injured on the job, whether it's due to a vehicle accident or a mishap while checking or manipulating loads. The act of tarping a load is one that's rife with injuries, largely from slips and falls that happen while drivers are covering tall loads with cumbersome tarps. Natural and environmental hazards like ice buildup, heavy rain, and strong winds can make an already dangerous job even more dangerous for truckers.

Rolling tarp systems helped reduce injuries by removing much of the physical labor involved in manual tarping. Smooth rollers allow for effortless movement of the rolling tarp, allowing it to accordion into place without demanding excessive force. By being safely on the ground, truckers can escape significant risk of injury.

For more information on rolling tarp systems, contact a company like Glider Systems Inc.
